Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Revolutionise Education

Education as it is right now is rather outdated and most certainly deceiving as far as the value it purportedly provides is concerned. It has as always programmed the mind of the child to think in a close-minded way. Education promises liberal and progressive thinking but only delivers the opposite. To further re-inforce my statement look at the current state of the world we live in. More wars, more problems, poverty and even famines. What is the cause for this?

A close look at the current system provides all the necessary information to support my thoughts. For example: A student arrives at school and is punished for being late. The problem is that if a teacher is late it is accepted since they are very busy individuals. Students must accept that reality and thus it induces a sense of perverse obedience. 

This sort of thinking makes future generations accept any outcome for they are made to believe that this is how the world works. That there are more important matters than the greater cause that is humanity. If I were to say that children were taught to counter-argue everything taught in class then would the world be in the pathetic state it is right now? Consider this: A student is taught to comply with society in order to survive for if they don't then society will caste them out for going against the "pack". This "society" makes you proud of your identity. They tell you that the less fortunate or formerly colonised parts of the world are 3rd world countries. If that is the case then all "1st" world countries must be on Mercury. This concept of segregation is horrifying to say the least. What ever happened to unity in the educational environment? What happened to we're are all the same? 

Then there is the question of religious studies in school. What on earth are you gaining from religious studies other than hatred for another community or in some cases blind belief in something that was misinterpreted by man many times over from one generation to another and from language to language. I am not saying don't have religious studies in school. Teach the core meaning of what is "prescribed" in every religions' "holy" text. Teaching as is from them is ludicrous. It is not only outdated in some cases but down right instigating aggression towards others. If they don't call "your" god by the name you were taught you are told that he/she is a devil worshipper. I honestly do believe that religious studies should have no place in school. It should be left to children to decide once they have become matured adults.

Liberal thinking and culture so far have been against each other in the classroom. Why is this the case? Is liberal thinking living the way you see fit or is it trying to remove your identity so that you can fit it another one? What do you think would happen if they were to teach you the real value behind every single cultural holiday or tradition? Liberal thinking is a must for it is the way forward but not by forgetting where we came from. It is important to understand that every culture has it's flaws. Certain values that were correct back in time may not have any relevance today. Accept the good and leave out the rest. If we knew in general even about every other culture we wouldn't be fighting by saying that I am right you are wrong based on culture and other "dividers" in life.

The current education system doesn't motivate children to think "outside the box" quite the contrary. They are taught to behave as per society's norms through the use of fear. In a scary sense they promote bullying and harassment of others for being "different". Just because a student comes from a different country and/or background doesn't make him/her any different from you. Where is unity being promoted in class? I think that bullying, segregation and other negative values should be punished. They should strike fear into children that try such a thing. They should make them feel small for if they are taught to do so then this surely will be the demise of humanity.

In closing I would like to add that the current system is rigid and fiercely attacks those who have the ability to achieve great things simply because they are not "socially" apt. Look at the greatest thinkers in history. They were all "failures" in this system. Heckled for being "weird" and punished for questioning established norms in not only the classroom but society as well. An atmosphere that is supposed to promote such thinking is dealt with utmost severity. How is this meaningful and advantageous to humanity? 

Remember: There are those who are rich only financially AND there are those who are rich in knowledge and love. Money will come and go. What you do to share knowledge today will stay forever for it will benefit all of mankind.

There are a handful out there that have managed to "escape" this dilemma. Those people no doubt strive to question education as it is at every possible juncture. I ask you to comment on my thoughts because together we can avoid this dangerous situation.


  1. Watch the following video ... It basically argues the need for less rigidity and conformity in education.



    1. Thank you for sharing the video. It reinforces my arguments.
