Monday, October 8, 2012

Augmented Medication

Augmented medication is something I have been thinking about since my father was diagnosed with cancer in late 2009. It involves the combined use of different medical systems and the medication it prescribes as a more effective and safer solution than a single system.

In itself any medical system such as the modern medical system or the Ayurvedic medical system has inherent flaws.

The modern medical system is based on man made medication which is known to have side-effects. They can also create a dependence or addiction to a particular drug. However, the major advantage that modern medicine provides is a fast and in most cases and effective solution to various ailments. Additionally there is generally no dietary requirements involved.

Ayurvedic medication on the other hand is known to take a long time in "curing" the illness. It also requires a very strict diet and timing for the intake of medicines. The good side to Ayurvedic medication is the fact that it is based on natural ingredients and that is tailored depending on the person and illness. This reduces the chances of side effects for the patient. Additionally, the possibilities of dependence or addiction to this form of medication is minimal.

Bear in mind that I speak of 2 of the main medical systems I personally have come across. There are many more effective methods that are practiced across the world. I cannot speak on behalf of those systems as I lack knowledge about their pros and cons. I ask you readers to share your experience on those systems and together we can build a better system for all of humanity.

This brings me to the following questions:

1. Why not implement the two systems as a combined effort?

The main reason from what I see and hear is that there seems to be a complete lack of interest in this approach. It is quite possible that either there is a lack of knowledge about one or the other. Perhaps distrust in either is system is the leading reason. The concept of researching this and implementing a trial run has as far as I am concerned has been completely ignored. I honestly don't see any legitimate reason for not doing so. This is one idea I strongly believe will shape things to come for the better.

2. Will it increase the chances of survival for more serious (terminal) illnesses?

It most cases it should definitely increase the chances of survival. The idea is to bring about a balance of speedy treatment with a boost to long term health and immune system. Think about this: Take modern medical sciences treatment as a rapid response method. Follow that with say Ayurveda where the body's immunity and general health are being restored and fortified. Where does it show any signs of failure? Why hasn't this been promoted. Think about the number of lives that could have been saved. All those children could have had a chance at life. Their parents could have seen them grow.

3. What is the best way to implement this idea?

It most definitely needs to go through trial runs to perfect this method of treatment. Ideally fast acting medication should be given first and then followed up with fortification medication. This is best way in my opinion. Don't you think it makes sense? Let me know in the comments below.

4. What are the possible negative effects to this idea?

When considering a combined effort of 2 completely different systems we should remember the possible side effects of this method. If any negative effects it could be that the medication negates each other and thus has no effect. Possibly the medication reacts with each other and may have major side effects as natural and man-made medication enter the body. Perhaps there will be no side effects. That part I shall leave to you the readers to answer.

Think about implementing the 2 together and supported by sound therapy. What are the chances that this will not become a major success. Think about the possibilities that this could open for the world. Cheaper and more effective medication are points to begin with. Perhaps new "hybrid" medication can further improve on this combined effort.

The possibilities are endless. Remember we have to dream wild in order for such ideas. Dream wild and tell us what you think is the best way. Ask us any question you have about this dream.

I leave you to dream about this idea folks. As always don't forget to share. Sharing is power



  1. 1. I'm not certain that there is a lack of interest in combining allopathy with other (older/natural) medical systems. People might be more than willing to approach things via augmented medical systems. However, how do you train doctors and other medical professionals in these multiple systems without it taking an inordinate amount of time?

    2. Personally, I think we are at a crossroads in history. I believe that medicine is undergoing a renaissance/revolution that is partly being initiated by our leaps in technological and scientific advances, philanthropic endeavors etc. The future of medicine may lie in augmented systems.

    1. Thank you for sharing your concerns. You have brought about very important questions in response to what I have said in the article and I will do my best to respond to those concerns.

      1. The primary reason for me to say that there is a lack of interest lies in the fact that there seems to be no effort put into addressing the issues you brought in your first point.
      Consider this: Hospitals' have specialists for each and every part of the modern medical system (neurologist, cardiologist, etc.). This model of medicine is quite sufficient when considering how to implement other forms of medication. Doctors don't need to be trained in other systems of medicine, the opposite is true. It similar to a general practitioner referring a patient to a specialist or a nutritionist in some cases.
      When considering the amount of time it will take to implement augmented medical systems the above model can be implemented. This allows for detailed and well thought of model to be put in place in future should the need arise. I would say it is better to be prepared than rush when it becomes a necessity.

      2. Innovation is the key to the future, however perfection is the key to real innovation. Keeping that in mind let us not forget that other medical systems have for a long time provided feasible and quality healthcare across various avenues in different parts of the world. The only way forward at a time like this is augmented medication. It allows us to perfect current treatments while allowing innovation in this field at the same time. Further research is also possible by sharing of knowledge/data from each of these medical systems.

      I hope that the concerns you have voiced have been answered to the best possible extent. I encourage you to comment on what I and the others on this projekt have said.
